The game development project is part of a higher education Curricular Unit at the Instituto Politécnico de Viseu, serving as an academic initiative aimed at applying the practical knowledge acquired during the course. This project is carried out by a team of five members, composed of students who bring a diverse set of skills and competencies in the areas of programming, design, storytelling, and project management.

In this epic game full of adrenaline and fun, we will explore the adventure of Willy the whale. Tired of the pressure exerted by his superiors, one day he revolts and decides to blow up the company. There will be challenges along this journey, such as his coworkers and bosses, but with the help of the props that Willy uses, you will be able to defeat all obstacles. Throughout the various scenarios, some elements will appear which are necessary to build the bomb and complete the objective.


The game features several characters, where only the main character, our discontented worker, Willy, is controlled. NPCs will be the various coworkers encountered on different floors, trying to hinder our character. Willy is a whale who can collect boosts throughout the game to aid him. The rest of the characters will be various types of marine animals. Occasionally, an oyster, a coworker friend, will appear to give him useful tips. As for the coworkers, we have various types, ranging from jellyfish to sharks, and ultimately, the boss.

Main Character

Conceptual Art:

The game's conceptual art serves as a visual project, encapsulating the creative vision and aesthetic direction of the project. It encompasses a variety of elements, including character designs, environmental concepts, atmosphere panels, and key art.

Character designs are meticulously crafted to reflect the personalities, traits, and backgrounds of each character. From the protagonist, Willy, the discontented worker, to various NPCs like fish, sharks, and the final boss, each character is brought to life through detailed sketches and illustrations.

Environmental concepts transport players into the immersive world of the game, depicting various floors of the workplace inhabited by colleagues and obstacles. Each environment is rich in detail, from mundane office spaces to vibrant underwater landscapes, ensuring a captivating visual experience for players.

Atmosphere panels play a crucial role in setting the tone and atmosphere of the game, compiling visual references, color palettes, and artistic inspirations. They guide the art direction, helping to evoke the desired emotions and immerse players in the game's narrative world.


Updated 2 days ago
Published 4 days ago
StatusIn development
GenreAdventure, Action, Platformer
Made withUnity
Tags3D, Casual, Fantasy, Singleplayer
Average sessionA few minutes


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